The world’s first air
quality ecosystem enabled by
Rensair Cloud

Transform your Indoor Air Quality management

Rensair Cloud is an advanced Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management platform that leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technology to enhance control over indoor air quality.It allows one to seamlessly monitor and manage air purifiers from any device, utilising real-time data and offline buffering, enabling facility and building managers to make informed decisions about indoor air quality and ventilation energy management.
Rensair Cloud - IOT platform screenshot

Main dashboard

Presents an overview of assets’ information, including assets accessibility, location, health status, and alarms. It offers a consolidated and holistic view of the system to monitor the performance and status of the solution in real-time with air quality trends against air quality standards.

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Asset Management

Enables grouping devices for bulk control, trend monitoring, and advanced analytics. Simplifies the management process, particularly when dealing with a large number of devices, allowing efficient configuration, performance monitoring, and analysis of device groups. Enables users to manage multiple air purifiers simultaneously, making it easier to achieve desired output.

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Digital Twin

Provides detailed information about each individual device, including configuration, control settings, and the latest readings and time-series data. Offers precise monitoring and control capabilities for specific devices, facilitating in-depth analysis and troubleshooting when necessary.

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Streaming analytics

Involves analyzing historical data from the air purifiers to derive insights, make comparisons, and generate forecasts. Empowers users with advanced analytical capabilities, providing valuable insights into air quality trends, performance patterns, and potential issues in the system. Allows data export for further analysis or reporting purposes.

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Enables configurable recurring behaviors and automations for the air purifiers. Allows precise control over tasks such as device operation, filter replacement reminders, and maintenance activities. Enhances efficiency and ensures that the air purifiers operate optimally according to predefined schedules, reducing manual intervention.

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Alarms and Notifications

Provides detailed information about time, count, value, or trigger for specific causes. Alerts users about issues or anomalies. Helps in identifying and addressing potential problems promptly, ensuring the air purifiers operate smoothly and maintain optimal air quality.

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Preventive Rules

Allows users to define custom rules and alarms to proactively monitor individual devices or groups. By detecting deviations from desired conditions, this feature empowers users to take preemptive actions, ensuring optimal performance.

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Hierarchical User Structure

Establishes controllable access restrictions for users and clients. Enables platform administrators to define user roles and permissions, ensuring authorized access to functionalities and data. Enhances security and data privacy, ensuring that only authorized individuals can interact with and manage the solution.

Advanced Sensing Capabilities

Real-time Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) data is generated by Rensair Core i devices which have built-in sensors. The data is presented on Rensair’s IoT based platform Rensair Cloud. The IAQ parameters measured are PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC. Temperature and relative humidity are also gauged.

Rensair uses high quality sensors which are constantly recalibrated to obtain accurate readings. This accuracy is underpinned by having the air sensors incorporated into the air purification unit itself, which is preferable to a wall mounted sensor. See attached simple trial that highlights the importance of the location of an air sensor to ensure accurate IAQ readings.

The most efficient way 
to instantly improve your HVAC system

The Rensair Cloud connects your Rensair air purifying devices and integrates with your existing HVAC ventilation and Building Management systems to give you a single connected ecosystem for managing air quality. It’s an approach that reduces your energy usage, saves you money, and protects your people in every indoor space. It’s HVAC: Hacked.

Our Service areas



We help organisations radically reduce energy consumption and save money across their real estate without ripping and replacing existing ventilation.



We improve indoor air quality in every classroom and lecture hall while bringing down energy costs – even in older buildings.




Our technology helps leading healthcare providers transform indoor air quality and improve patient safety by reducing airborne transmitted diseases.



Transport providers rely on Rensair to clean the air and make every journey healthier and happier for passengers and staff.

Our Hardware devices

Core i

Core i







Let’s talk

Time to Hack your HVAC system, contact our team to save money, 
cut carbon and improve your IAQ.