Invention from Mors Will Help Fight the SARS Virus

January 29, 2021 – 2 Min

Henrik Hendriksen is requested at the States Serum Institut who prevents and controls infectious diseases, biological threats and congenital disorders.


By Anne-Mette Riis, 2003

The Air purifier, invented by Henrik Henriksen from Bjørndrup, might become a weapon in the fight against SARS.  To start with, Henrik has been invited to come to the national serum institute to discuss the machine’s possibilities. 

Hendriksens invention works by sucking the air into a cylinder, covered in a very fine gridded filter that captures and holds in all microorganisms like virus, pollen and bacteria. The micro organisms are then exposed to a UVC-light which breaks the DNA stings and as a result extinguishes them. 

The machine’s capacity can take up to 600 cubic meter per hour. Everything indicates that the machine will also be able to clean the air from the virus that is causing SARS. 

Research indicates that SARS is a part of the Corona-virus family. A type of bird virus that can be passed on to monkeys – and hence also humans. It is a fact, however, that the HEPA-13 filter that the machine uses, can capture the Corona-virus with over 99% effectiveness. It is also a fact that the Corona-virus is very sensitive towards UVC-light, Henrik Hendriksen explains. 

Right now no one knows the exact composition of the SARS-virus, and because of this we cannot be certain of the UVC-light doses needed to kill it. But for now, there are no indications that it would be any different than the already known virus. So everything points to the fact that the machine should be able to fight and remove it; at least more than 99% of it, says Henrik Hendriksen. 

He believes it would be ideal to put it into use in the isolation cells in the airport, hospital receptions or other places where it becomes necessary to isolate patients expected to be infected by SARS. 

Today we are barely prepared to properly isolate any infected patients. The spaces used in for example Kastrup airport are equipped with the airport’s normal ventilation. The issues with using the normal ventilation system is that you risk spreading the virus to the whole building. 

I am not saying that they have to use my machine. But I do not understand why the authorities do not take action faster. We have a high risk of SARS cases arriving in Denmark in the next couple of weeks, says Henrik Hendirken, who is not impressed by the Danish preparation against the virus. 

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