TRAINFITNESS Successfully Reopens with the Rensair Hospital-grade air Purifier

October 4, 2020 – 2 Min

Steel Williams, the co-founder and director of TRAINFITNESS, a leading training provider in the health, wellness and fitness sector, knew reopening during the time of COVID meant addressing an abundance of trepidation. “It was interesting when we reopened,” he says. “I don’t think we were alone when we say we only got 10% of our members back in at the beginning.” 

Rensair air purifiers are placed across the gym area at TRAINFITNESS

Williams, whose firm has operated in the UK for 20 years, and around the world in diverse countries such as China, Finland, Malaysia and Italy, says safety and reassurance aspects of reopening were paramount. “If we wanted our staff and customers back, they needed to feel comfortable and safe.”

To reopen, air purification was one of the first investments they made. “This is where Rensair comes in,” says Williams. “We did loads of research on which units were going to be the most effective.”

Rensair helps keep employees safe in TRAINFITNESS’s office area on the 2nd floor

TRAINFITNESS purchased Rensair air purification units when they became well informed about the benefits and the technology behind the system. “When we communicate to our clients and staff that the air purifiers don’t just capture the viruses but also kill them, you see little twinkles in their eyes, and they feel really good.” 

When you enter TRAIN FITNESS you see Rensair next to the hand sanitizer station

TRAINFITNESS has also put other safety measures in place. “We have screens between the desks and we’re taking temperature checks at arrival,” says Williams. They have anti-bacterial sanitizer stations, clean high touch points all day, and do deep cleans every night. 

Williams says it thrills members to see what they have done. “They are very impressed and we like that,” says Williams. “Not once have we had anyone say that they will not come back again.” 

Rensair is being used by Gyms, Fitness centers and Yoga studios across the UK and the US to help keep employees and customers safe.

Get in touch to learn how Rensair air purification can help your gym. 

Order Rensair now, call +44 (0)20 3973 8927

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