Industry research

November 23, 2020 – 8 Min

Potential application of Air Cleaning Devices to Manage Transmission of COVID-19 SAGE-EMG

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has been providing British Government ministers and officials with free and frank advice throughout the Covid19 pandemic, based on external scientific evidence and a wide source of essential information. The Environmental and Modelling … more
November 7, 2020 – 4 Min

Air Purification in Demand as the Risk of Airborne Covid19 is Recognized by the WHO

—————————— Update November 17th 2020: the UK Government follows suit Rensair recently highlighted the changing landscape in air purification, as the WHO released a 5 minute video (WHO) recommending good room ventilation, or, where that was not possible,& … more
September 13, 2020 – 4 Min

Dentists Reduce Fallow Time with Rensair Air Purification

DENTAL PRACTICES: DOUBLE YOUR PATIENT CAPACITY WITH EFFECTIVE AIR PURIFICATION On the 28 August 2020, the NHS and the Office of Chief Dental Officer England (OCDOE) published updated Standard Operating Procedures for dental practices. They outline different “fallow periods”, or … more
September 9, 2020 – 7 Min

Increasing Hotel Capacity and Room Occupancy by Purifying Air to Hospital-grade Standards

Implementing and communicating a stringent policy of eradicating virus and bacteria from the air in a hotel’s premises, combined with both deep cleaning of surfaces and maintenance of safe distancing measures, will reassure potential guests. This will allow for … more
August 27, 2020 – 2 Min

Carehomes prepare to mitigate risks of Covid19 transmission

As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic new research indicates the coronavirus may be transmitted through airborne aerosols. Care homes eager to keep their facilities safe are exploring the need for air purification, especially as cooler weather hinders access to … more
July 6, 2020 – 3 Min

How does Corona Spread? Research from Harvard, Nature and NHK

May 2020 With lockdowns slowly starting to ease across the globe and businesses looking to reopen, the focus is on how to reduce the spread of the virus to keep customers and employees safe. But how does coronavirus spread? The … more

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