January 19, 2023 – 2 Min

Benesch Law prioritizes clean air to encourage return to the office   

Rensair, specialists in indoor air quality, have supplied air purification units to business law firm Benesch to encourage employees to return to the office and return to in-person collaboration following the pandemic.  … more
January 11, 2023 – 3 Min

Smart Demand Controlled Ventilation (SDCV)

Whilst there is good knowledge about outdoor air quality and pollution, the reality is that we spend 90% of our time indoors, and a lot of that at work. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can be 2 to 5 times worse than outside air … more
November 10, 2022 – 5 Min

Clean air should be the first line of defence for care homes

The Covid-19 pandemic had devastating consequences for the UK care home sector, with the CQC reporting more than 39,000 deaths between 10 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. … more
April 5, 2022 – 2 Min

Half the world’s population exposed to increasing air pollution

From imported pollution dropping from our skies to a build-up of local emissions, the air we breathe is becoming increasingly unhealthy. … more
March 22, 2022 – 5 Min

EPA’s Clean Air in Buildings Challenge is one small step in the right direction

On March 17, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a best practice guide for improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of spreading dangerous airborne particles. … more
March 18, 2022 – 2 Min

Medics urge caution as France lifts Covid restrictions

As of Monday March 14, the French government has announced that it is easing the majority of anti-Covid restrictions, despite signs that case numbers are on the increase again. … more
March 8, 2022 – 4 Min

It’s time to clear the air on the NHS backlog

The gargantuan scale of the patient backlog has now been exacerbated by Omicron. While staff absences and shortfalls are a much discussed hindrance, there are other issues that play a part in thwarting patient throughput. One such issue is ventilation … more
March 3, 2022 – 3 Min

Rensair stages live air purification trial at QPCS school

Rensair, supplier of portable, hospital-grade air purification to the education sector, is staging a real-world trial at Queen’s Park Community School (QPCS) in Brent, London. Anyone with an interest in making schools safe can access the metrics on a … more
January 26, 2022 – 5 Min

Mind the gap: public transport needs a ventilation upgrade

The pandemic has seen clean air rise up the public agenda, especially when it comes to shared spaces such as schools, offices and hospitality venues. Leading health authorities, such as the UK SAGE committee and US Centers for Disease Control & … more
January 10, 2022 – 7 Min

The Importance of Clean Air in the Education System

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health has become a serious priority, especially regarding the education system and in-person learning.  … more
November 23, 2021 – <1 Min

Education webinar – Demystifying air purification

With debate raging about COVID mitigation measures in education, institutions are currently working through a variety of challenges, often with unclear guidance on solutions and best practice. … more
November 4, 2021 – 3 Min

Internal Communications: guidance for Rensair customers

Many people are saying that the future of work will be different, with employees requesting more of a balance between office and home working. Maybe so, but some employers will insist on a certain degree of physical presence. Future growth … more
November 4, 2021 – 7 Min

Open letter to the World Health Organization

An open letter to the WHO Director General, regarding the WHO’s current ventilation roadmap. … more
October 30, 2021 – 4 Min

How clean air can revive Colorado’s commercial real estate

In 2019, Colorado’s commercial real estate market reached an all-time high. In the first quarter of 2020, nearly 3.7 million square feet of new office space began construction. Then the pandemic hit. … more
October 21, 2021 – 2 Min

Clean air means brain power

A major new study from Harvard University shows that there is a direct relationship between the amount of ultra fine particles in the air and how people perform in mental tests. The more polluted the air, the worse people perform. … more

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