How Can an Air Purifier Help with your Allergies?

January 29, 2021 – 2 Min

If you have asthma or allergies, exposure to hazardous particulate matter like mould, pet dander, dust mites or pollen, can aggravate your condition. As we spend more time indoors, improving air quality in our home and workplace is an important issue. 

Air purifiers can offset some threats posed by air pollution and the indoor environment. However, it’s important to assess if the air purifier you are purchasing has the right technology for your needs.

HEPA Filters

HEPA is an acronym for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. These filters capture different size particles inside a multi-layered netting, made of very fine fiberglass threads. The filter is almost airtight and composed of a compact sheet of small fibers pleated and sealed in a metal or plastic frame. As particles causing asthma and allergens like mold spores, pollen, dustimtes as well as bacteria, viruses and other airborne microorganisms hit the inside surface of the filter, it captures them.

Scientists have proof that an air purifier containing a HEPA filter can reduce indoor air pollution and help control allergies. A series of reports demonstrate that air purifiers containing HEPA filters can assist with reducing the effects of allergic rhinitis (AR) atopic dermatitis, and asthmatic children. There’s also confirmation that air purifiers can remove pollen, fungal spores, house dust-mite (HDM) allergens, and dog allergens.

UVC Lights

UVC light waves are the most powerful in the UV range and contain germicidal properties. They can break down the DNA and RNA of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, dust mites and other allergens. Medical environments have used UVC light for decades to sterilize surfaces. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using UVC light because of its high effectiveness with continuous application.

With increasing interest in removing toxins and allergens from the home environment, the germicidal power of UVC light offers a welcome replacement to chemical cleaning products. Multiple studies prove the effectiveness of UVC light in removing dust and other small particles through damaging their nucleic acids (DNA and RNA).  

Rensair Air Purification

For those dealing with asthma or allergies, there’s good news. The Rensair air purifier uses a HEPA13 filter and UVC light to remove 99.97% of harmful particles, proven by independent studies conducted by Eurofins, Norconsult and Oslo University Hospital. A statement letter written by Oslo University Hospital researcher Dr. Hilde Bånrud concludes, “Based on the tests performed by accredited laboratories and scientifically published literature, one can conclude that the Rensair air cleaner effectively reduces the level of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, moulds and yeasts in the air.” 

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