Northern Gas and Power uses Rensair air purifiers as it supports clients

April 16, 2021 – 2 Min

When the pandemic hit, many companies including Northern Gas and Power (NGP), the leading energy consultancy in the UK, faced new challenges. As part of their innovative approach to developing a COVID Secure environment, they consulted Rensair, whose patented, hospital-grade, air purifiers serve companies around the globe. 

Facing challenges 

NGP, with operations in the UK, France, Malta, USA and India, has built one of the largest, dependable networks in the utilities sector. They provide professional energy procurement and management services for their clients. As a fast-moving, fast-growing global group, key teams continued to operate, from their offices across the globe, including the Newcastle and Leeds offices. In a dynamic response to the social distancing requirements of the pandemic, NGP invested in new dedicated offices to ensure a unique COVID Secure environment could be developed across an additional 23,000 sq. ft. of office space in North Tyneside.

Paul Barrett, NGP Operations Director, has the responsibility to oversee the company’s strategic and operational response to the coronavirus pandemic. “From the beginning of the pandemic NGP has been innovative,” says Barrett. “We take pride in going above and beyond in our approach to safety measures and we were always looking at new ways to improve the safety measures within our office spaces.”

NGP was quick to realize the importance of air purification. “As part of our holistic approach in providing a safe environment, we looked at the best ways in which we could purify the air and reduce the risk of COVID-19,” says Barrett.

Taking action 

To research potential solutions, NGP hosted visits from the local authority. They also hired an independent specialist to assess their Newcastle office. “The specialist brought our attention to the Rensair air purification system, and I researched it further,” says Barrett.

He found Rensair was developed for air purification in Scandinavian hospitals. Rensair combines H13 HEPA filters and UVC light to capture and also destroy 99.97% of bacteria and viruses, including the coronavirus family of pathogens. After a consultation with Rensair, Barrett took action.

Rensair Air Purifer

“We now have 12 Rensair units across our two sales floors. They work to complement the buildings already fully functional air flow system,” says Barrett. They equally dispersed the units across the floor to maximize their effectiveness.

Barrett says the units are simple to use and operate. “Our dedicated COVID Marshall, manages their general upkeep, checks to make sure they are operating every day and cleans the filters,” he says. 

The Rensair air purification system has operated at NGP for many weeks now. Along with their other comprehensive COVID-Secure measures, Barrett feels they are doing their utmost to provide a safe environment for their employees. 

Rensair at Northern Gas & Power

“Rensair has been positive, proactive and very helpful throughout the process, and delivery of the products was swift and professional,” says Barrett.

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